Hello Everybody,
This is my first post. What better way to do this than to elaborate the title of my blog. I must confess, I had a tough time coming up with a suitable title, primarily because my interests are very diverse and there were not too many words which could reflect what this blog is all about. I finally managed to come up with this title ‘One Stop All Solutions’. This implies that this would be a single place where you would get almost everything regarding engineering, data mining, acquisition and IT. I know this is exaggerated, but this is what it literally means.
On a more practical note, this blog is about my professional experience in the industry, my passion for IT and my recent affair with data mining.
I have done my PHD in vibrations and acoustics. I taught too while I was doing my PHD and I love sharing knowledge in general, so, through this blog, I will write articles about numerical and computational techniques, give you short MATLAB codes (occasionally Python or C / C++ too if possible) on diverse fields that I have been involved with (machine learning, Bayesian inference, Genetic Algorithms, Data Acquisition, FEM etc.) and not too often I will bore you with anecdotes of my life too, before they are eternally buried in the sands of time.
To end my first post, I leave you with a Matlab code for a very simple 1D FEM problem. I will elaborate on this in the next post. Till then, take care.
function fem_1D
% This is a simple 1D FEM program. The FEM
% solution is based on linear elements also called hat functions.The
% problem addressed is the extension of a bar under the action of applied
% forces. Use mesh parameters under the heading mesh of this code to change
% values. For example change the number of nodes to 2 to really see the
% difference between the exact and the FEM solution. In general, change
% constants the way you like.
% The second plot of stresses in the bar suggests that for each of the
% finite elements in the bar the solution (that is the slope of the
% extension) is a constant. This is illustrated with the help of horizontal
% lines. Each line also represents one element. It would be shown in later
% codes that the slope of the approximate solution (stresses) coincides
% with the slope of the exact solution exactly at the mid point of the
% element.
% This code is inspired from a manual written by Jack Chessa on FEM
% implementation in MATLAB.
% Written 26-Dec-2010
% Author: Husnain Inayat Hussain (husnain.inayat@gmail.com)
% FEM_1D
% 1. PreProcessor
% 2. Processor
% 3. PostProcessor
% ---------------- PREPROCESSOR -------------------
% Preprocessor consists of defining the problem, material, elemental
% discretization, geometry, applied conditions such as forces and
% displacements.
E = 1; % Young's Modulus
A = 1; % Area of the bar
L = 1; % Length of the bar
f_o = 1;
u_o =0;
P = 10;
num_nodes = 3;
num_elems = num_nodes - 1;
nodes = linspace (0,L,num_nodes);
elm_cnc = [1:1:num_elems ; 2:1:num_nodes]';
h_e = nodes (2) - nodes (1);
% ---------------- PROCESSOR -------------------
% Stiffness Matrix
K_e = E*A/h_e * [1 -1;
-1 1];
K = zeros (num_nodes, num_nodes);
F_e = f_o*h_e/2;
F = zeros (num_nodes, 1);
for i = 1 : size(elm_cnc,1)
asm = elm_cnc (i,:);
K(asm , asm) = K(asm , asm) + K_e;
F(asm) = F(asm) + F_e;
F = F - K(:,1) * u_o;
F (1) = u_o;
F (end) = F (end) + P;
K(1,:) = 0;
K(:,1) = 0;
K(1,1) = 1;
u = K\F;
% ---------------- POSTPROCESSOR -------------------
% Plot the displacements and the stressed of the analytical and FEM
% solutions.
% FEM Solution & Plot
plot(nodes, u,'Marker','o','LineWidth',1,'LineStyle','--',...
'Color',[1 0 0],...
% Analytical Solution & Plot
x = linspace(0,L,100);
u1 = - f_o/(2*E*A)*x.^2 + (P + f_o*L)*x;
plot(x, u1,'LineWidth',1,'DisplayName','Analytical');
h = legend('FEM','Analytical',2);
grid on
% Create title
title({'Extension of a Longitudianl Bar','Analytical vs.FEM Solution'},...
% Create xlabel
xlabel({'Lenght (m)'},'FontWeight','normal','FontSize',11);
% Create ylabel
ylabel({'Extension (m)'},'FontWeight','normal','FontSize',11);
% Plot the stresses of the analytical and FEM solutions
% FEM Solution & Plot
du = zeros (5,1);
h1 = zeros (size(elm_cnc,1),1);
for i = 1 : size(elm_cnc,1)
du(i) = (u(i+1) - u (i))/ (nodes(i+1) - nodes(i));
asm = elm_cnc (i,:);
h1(i) = plot (nodes(asm), repmat(du(i),1,length(nodes(asm))),...
'Marker','o','LineWidth',1,'LineStyle','--','Color',[1 0 0],...
% Analytical Solution & Plot
du1 = - f_o/(E*A)*x + (P + f_o*L);
h2 = plot (x, du1, 'LineWidth',1,'LineStyle','-',...
'Color',[0 0 1], 'DisplayName','Analytical');
h = legend([h1(end) h2], 'FEM','Analytical', 1);
grid on
% Create title
title({'Stresses in a Longitudianl Bar','Analytical vs.FEM Solution'},...
% Create xlabel
xlabel({'Lenght (m)'},'FontWeight','normal','FontSize',11);
% Create ylabel
ylabel({'Stress (N/m^2)'},'FontWeight','normal','FontSize',11);
thanks for ur post :)..
ReplyDeletewhen i change the values of E, A, L and other constants, it does not run
ReplyDeletesome more programs for another problems
ReplyDelete@ Sanket Shah
ReplyDeleteApologies for late response. The code is purely instructional and values of constants were never checked for practicality. So I am not sure what might have went wrong when you changed the values.
@ T Manjunath
Thank you. When I started I thought I would squeeze the whole world into this blog. And then I got busy, real busy. And so I seldom see my own blog let alone write anything. Anyways let us keep our fingers crossed. Thanks anyways!